【Online English Practice】EnglishScore

1. Suitable For:current students at National Chung Hsing University

2. Testing procedures:Click Here for step-by-step guide and follow the steps by swiping through the instructions.
Please enter the Connect Code【TW-NCHU-SHARE】before you start the test.
When you sign up for a new account, please make sure your password includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.

3. Click Here and apply the Official Score Certificate for EnglishScore!

【For Undergraduate Students】To meet the NCHU Graduation Standards​ of English Proficiency For Undergraduate Students requirement (which currently administered by Foreign Language Access Center ), you can make an appointment to take this test on the campus. Please stay tuned for the latest information on our website.

5. Please note that there is a limit on testing, allowing only 2 tests in 24 hours and 10 tests in 28 days.

6. Step for start : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pc1l9Ryn31s_NcAGFskL3IlndWt5YWEY?usp=sharing

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