Associate Professor Li, Wei-Tian Division Chief
- Duties
- Direct the Curriculum Section's affairs
Mr. Hsieh, Wen-Chung Associate Technical Specialist
- Duties
- Undergraduate course of College of Veterinary Medicine、College of Agriculture and Natural Resources related affairs.
- Academic Affairs System affairs.
- Drawing of school-wide course learning map.
- Property management affairs.
Ms. Liu Wei-KuangOfficer
- Duties
- Teaching Hours Accounting affairs.
- Undergraduate course of College of Liberal Arts、Center of Teacher Education、 Physical Education and Sport、Military education related affairs.
- General affairs.
Ms. Hsieh, Yi-RuOfficer
- Duties
- Lending of classrooms on the 1st to the 5th floor of the Teaching Complex affairs.
- Course outline affairs.
- Cross-Disciplinary Program and Secondary Expertise affairs.
- Offer academic of meetings related affairs.
Ms. Ting, Hsing-ChuanTechnical Worker
- Duties
- Undergraduate course of report affairs.
- Undergraduate course of College of Science、College of Engineering、College of EECS related affairs.
- Course Information System affairs.
Ms. Tuan, Tsung-LuanStaff Member
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Ms. Chou, Chia-Chien
- Duties
- Graduate course of College of Liberal Arts、College of Agriculture and Natural Resources、College of Science、College of Engineering、College of EECS、College of Management、College of Law And Politics、College of Veterinary Medicine related affairs.
- Graduate student of report affairs.
Ms. Chou, Chia-ChienAdministrative Coordinator
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Ms. Tuan, Tsung-Luan
- Duties
- Planning and consolidation of data before Curriculum Committee meetings.
- Graduate course of College of Life sciences and in-service master's program related affairs.
- Academic Ethics and Research Integrity Courses affairs.
- Subsidy for All-English Courses and Degree Programs affairs.
- Management and reply Curriculum Section's Email affairs.
Ms. Jhao, Jie-YiAdministrative Coordinator
- Duties
- Undergraduate course of College of Management、College of Law And Politics、College of Life sciences、College of Veterinary Medicine related affairs.
- Distance Learning related affairs.
- Summer Time Classes and Course Selection related affairs.
- Open Course related affairs.
Ms. Tsai, Pen-Chun Affairs Assistant
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- Duties
- Management of applications for chalks, classroom board erasers and exam writing papers.
- Exam print affairs.
- Official Documents Electronization affairs.
Ms. Hsieh, Chia-TingAdministrative Coordinator
- Duties
- Guidelines on Cross-Disciplinary Expertise Development Program、Interdisciplinary Credit Program Courses and Modular Program related affairs.
Ms. Lu, Yi-HuanAdministrative Coordinator
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- Duties
- All of the bachelor program of extension education affairs.