Chiou, Yi-Ying Director

Overall Leadership and Supervision of the Center

Administrative Coordinator


Ann chenAdministrative Coordinator

Execute administrative and curriculum tasks of this center.
Responsible for overseeing the Short-term Trial English-Medium Instruction Subsidy Program.
Assist in coordinating the review of English-Medium Instruction subsidies at this school.
Manage the solicitation process for English courses focused on professional development.
Operations related to English editing software.
Consolidate, coordinate, and report on departmental funds and Ministry of Education subsidy projects.
Manage general affairs procurement and property management of this center.
Responsible for overseeing other temporary assignments related to supporting the scoring of enrollment tests for the Master's program.
Arrange, notify, and compile information for the Bilingual Teaching Promotion Committee.
Unit services (including official document registration desk, official mailbox, cybersecurity, website maintenance, dengue fever support).
Support bilingual operations of this center.
Other temporary assignments.

Kayla KeProject Assistant

MOE - The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College:implementation
Promotions, review, follow-ups, and organization for EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) and ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) courses subsidy programs
Organizing workshops for EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction) teachers
Organizing development workshops for bilingual courses TA
MOE - Supporting projects relevant administrative affairs

Erin KuoProject Assistant

MOE - Higher Education Sprout Project: implementation
MOE - The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College:implementation
EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) and ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) courses relevant data consolidation and management
"Subsidy for All-English Courses and Degree Programs": Applications review and relevant data analysis
Planning, data collection, consolidation, and cost-effectiveness analysis for Promoting Student Bilingual Education
Maintenance, management, updating, and data Analysis for BERC's "Student English Test Results database"
BERC's website maintenance and management
Procurement and management of BERC's IT Equipment

Teresa LeeProject Assistant

MOE - Higher Education Sprout Project: implementation
MOE - The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College:implementation
Professional Development Workshops for EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction) and ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) teachers
Co-organizing Bilingual Teaching Assistants Professional Development Program
Management of English Self-Learning & Testing Center, MyET Speaking Software
Meeting arrangements, notifications, and data compilation of the center
MOE - Higher Education Database annual report
BERC: general affairs and clerical tasks

Abbie SyuProject Assistant

MOE - The Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College:implementation
Implementing Teacher Education Student Co-learning Project
Implementing Bilingual Independent Learning Community Project
Organizing bilingual education promotion activities and student workshop
EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) and ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) courses questionnaire organization and relevant data consolidation and analysis
MOE - Supporting projects relevant administrative affairs