File Title Remarks Issued Division Download

L5-11NCHU Guidelines on the Selection of Teaching Assistant and Rewards

Amended in the 77th Academic Affairs Meeting on Mar. 27th, 2019
Center of Tch/Lrn Dev

L5-12Regulations for Applying for the Ministry of Education's Teaching Practice Research Program at the National Chung Hsing University

Enacted in the 420th Administrative Meeting on Nov. 14th, 2018
Center of Tch/Lrn Dev

L6-11NCHU Guidelines for Recognition of Outstanding Teacher in General Education

Amended in the 422nd Administrative Meeting on Feb. 27th, 2019
General Education

L6-18NCHU Regulations for the Center for General Education Curriculum Committee

Amended in the General Education Execution Committee on Dec. 19th, 2018
General Education

L6-16NCHU Regulations for the Establishment of the General Education Execution Committee

Amended in the 77th Academic Affairs Meeting on Mar. 27th, 2019
General Education

L6-19NCHU Regulations for Distinguished Speakers

Amended in the 419th Administrative Meeting on Oct. 3rd, 2018
General Education

L6-21NCHU Regulations for Borrowing Conference Rooms at the Center for General Education

Approved by President of NCHU on Aug. 20th, 2018
General Education

L2-22NCHU Guidelines for In-service Master's Programs

Amended in the 68th Academic Affairs Meeting on Oct. 28th, 2014