• Request for Education Verification

Request for Education Verification

Date of Publication:2019-08-06
Alumni who are pursuing further education or entering the workforce often rely on third-parties to verify their graduation status from NCHU.
Reminder: These third-parties may request our alumni to provide the following documents:
1. Copy of graduation certificate or transcripts*
2. Authorization form for educational background verification.**
* Apply at the Registration Office of National Chung Hsing University
** Sign the authorization document provided by the third parties.
For the third-parties:
Applications for verification can be submitted to our office via fax(FAX:886-4-22873622) or email (registra@nchu.edu.tw).
Please Note: With recent incidents of academic fraud on the rise, should any falsification be detected during the educational background verification process, NCHU will reserve the right to pursue legal actions and may proceed accordingly.