2023/ 2024 Second Semester - NCHU Bilingual Teaching Assistant Selection and Reward Implementation Project

NCHU BERC 【Outstanding Bilingual Teaching Assistant Award】!!

If you are a teaching assistant for EMI or ESAP courses offered by the university, colleges, and departments.
Welcome to apply!!

1.Application Procedure: Conducted once per semester, the official application period is subject to the announcement of each semester, and qualified bilingual TAs should submit their supporting documents to THIS LINK by June 3rd 2024 to June 16th 2024.

2.Review Rules: Applicants are required to provide supporting documents of their bilingual teaching assistantship in the 2023/ 2024 Second Semester for review.
  (1)The number of students enrolled in the course must meet the class formation standard.
  (2)Student satisfaction surveys for applicants(bilingual TAs) which including feedback and response rate. Please use THIS LINK to fill out the student satisfaction surveys.
  (3)Applicants (bilingual Tas) shall provide a description of their outstanding achievements or teaching assistance methods during their tenure as bilingual TAs (in both Chinese and English). This description requires approval and signature from the course instructor.
  (4)Evaluation of applicants (bilingual TAs) by the teaching faculty and their recommendations.
  (5)Applicants (bilingual TAs) should participate in at least three bilingual center-organized or recognized teaching assistant training activities(Click URL).

3.Review result: The selected bilingual TAs are notified via email and announced on the Center's website.
Outstanding Bilingual TA: Up to one candidate, awarded with a certificate and a maximum reward of NT$12,000.
(2)Excellent Bilingual TAs: Up to two candidates, each awarded with a certificate and a maximum reward of NT$8,000.

4.If the awarded bilingual TAs have already received similar awards from other units of the university (such as Excellent Teaching Assistant from the Tch/Lrn Dev Center), the reward will be granted to the recipient's choice, without duplication, but a certificate of recognition will be presented for encouragement.

5.Awarded bilingual TAs are required to participate in at least one relevant activity organized by the Center or EMI Teaching Resource Center, such as forums or presentations of exchanging achievements (the time will be announced separately).

Note: The Award is in its first year of implementation(as attached). To promote early awareness among all departments.  According to Article2, Point 4 of the Award: 'Review Rules: Applicants are required to provide supporting documents of their bilingual teaching assistantship in the previous semester for review.' The previous term should refer to the 2023/ 2024 Second Semester."