National Chung Hsing University EMI Teaching and Learning Center

The“National Chung Hsing University EMI Teaching and Learning Center” was established in 2024 with the aim of leveraging its geographical advantages for regional connectivity and expansion towards a teacher-centered approach to enhance bilingual teacher professional development. Our deepest purpose as an EMI Teaching and Learning Center is to gradually disseminate teaching capacity through a concentric circle model encompassing curriculum development, teaching assistants, and ultimately all students. The goal is to collaborate with practical experiences and institutions nationwide to create a "glocalized" environment for teaching and research, fostering the development of bilingual professionals in different academic fields.
1. Transnational EMI Teacher Training System
(1) Introduce resources from internationally reputable organizations for the development of EMI teaching skills through the EMI Teacher Training Program.
(2) Integrate multidimensional professional development resources to expand teachers' international perspectives, and encourage application of short-term experimental EMI teaching in CMI classroom.
2. Cross-University Multidisciplinary Peer Observation Community
Encourage teachers to form cross-university, multidisciplinary peer observation communities to strengthen cross-disciplinary experience exchange and professional feedback. This includes facilitating professional consultations for EMI teachers by domestic and international EMI teaching consultants and experts.
3. EMI Teaching Assistant Professional Development
Mainly focus on the use of instructional technology, multimedia systems, effective communication skills and supplemented by "English proficiency development," to conduct workshops which aimed at enhancing the overall bilingual teaching abilities of teaching assistants. This involves implementing cross-university measures for excellent teaching assistants to share and exchange experiences, thus providing systematic support for teaching assistants in EMI classrooms.

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